Monday, November 7, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger

We had our wettest October on record here in Seattle, which finally prompted me to buy real, actual rain boots. I've always avoided them since boots fit my calves weird, but then I stumbled across these Sam Edelman boots which 1. are just super cool looking and 2. were on sale, yay! So I waited another day or so, and then took the plunge and ordered them. And, guys, real rain boots make such a difference! No more damp socks for me.

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blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger

These pictures were actually taken last week, but I didn't have time to edit/post them in time. On Friday I walked way downtown to return my ballot (!!) and then hit up Forever 21. I was hoping it'd be relatively empty since people have more exciting things to do on a Friday night, but I was wrong. 

It was super crowded, including four very bored boyfriends waiting at the front of the store. There were some cute things I wanted to try on, but I really wasn't feeling the dressing room line, so I stuck to what I actually needed and made the most boring Forever 21 purchase ever. I literally only bought two camis and two v-necks, and it was incredibly sad. I feel like I need to go buy some fun things (like this cat sweatshirt) to make up for it.

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blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger
Cardigan: Aeropostale (old, similar). Dress: Forever 21 (old). Leggings: Target. Shoes: Sam Edelman (on sale!).
I do also have another post from last week (that includes an epic onesie I won at work), but I have an election outfit or two planned for next week that will probably be posted first. I'm going to try and shoot for a MWF posting schedule, since that's more attainable than dressing cute and taking/editing/posting pictures everyday. That also works out well since I'll probably be too stressed on Tuesday to do anything other than quickly take some pictures.

Unrelated but the world is mad at me for choosing to take outfit photos instead of working out yet again. I broke my mirror and my phone faceplanted off my bed onto the floor (fortunately it didn't also shatter), but I got the hint. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

So Fall It Hurts

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger

I got dressed today and as soon as I looked into the mirror and was like, "Wow, hi, fall." All that's missing is a scarf. It's a little bit a lot basic, but I think it turned out okay in the end. If nothing else, it kept my feet dry. Lately it's been pouring in the mornings, which makes dealing with the bus pretty miserable (for both me and my dog). 

I just got some really cute rain boots in the mail though, so I'm psyched to wear them tomorrow. 

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blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger

Other than the rain, and my new shoes, there's really not much going on at the moment now that Halloween is over (I did get a genius idea for next year though).

I really just need to work on getting back on track with pretty much everything. Last month I really fell off the workout wagon, which isn't ideal. And my eating habits are even worse than normal, which is saying something (it's baaaad). I also want to keep on with cleaning/organizing my apartment. My closet and drawers may be looking nicer but I still have a lot of work to do (as seen in my photo backgrounds). Maybe one day I'll have a clean spot for pictures. A girl can dream.

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Surprise! These are high-waisted.
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Top: Target (old, similar). Jeans: H&M (old, similar). Boots: Fred Meyer.
On a semi-related note, I want another pair of high-waisted jeans but I need to get better at wearing them. I can tuck a top into a skirt no problem but I'm awful at tucking things into jeans. That cool, effortless half-tuck? I'm the worst at it. The picture in this post is a complete fluke. One day I'll half-tuck like a cool kid.

Sorry about the picture quality. The limited natural light is making it a little tricky (thanks, fall/winter).

Monday, October 31, 2016

Part of Your World

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney
Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat?
 Fun fact: forks are surprisingly good at brushing wigs. I think Ariel was onto something there. 

The picture above is the only proper picture I have of me in my Ariel costume because I didn't put the wig on my hair until I got to my friend's apartment last night. I thought about wearing the wig at work today as well, but in bright lights it looks hot pink which doesn't have quite the same effect.

Wig aside, I quite enjoyed my costume. It's obviously not a very literal translation but it was still quite a bit of fun.

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney

It's always so fun seeing everyone's costumes! There were some good Disney ones last night, which made me happy. My friend made a glorious magic carpet. And we always have some good costumes at work as well (both human and canine). Luckily for my pup, I wasn't feeling any of the costumes I saw at Target so she just rewore her pumpkin shirt

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney

I'm not huge on candy, so my favorite part of Halloween is by far seeing everyone's costumes. That, and rewatching Hocus Pocus. That was definitely on my schedule for tonight.

It was so fun walking home from the bus after work and seeing someone with full-on facepaint casually reading in a coffee shop. I felt like I was in Halloweentown and it made me so happy. 

Did you know that the town they filmed the movies in transforms back into every October so you can visit the real Halloweentown? It's in Oregon, a little outside of Portland. I haven't been yet, but I would love to visit one year. It would be so fun!

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, little mermaid, disney
Wig: Amazon. Bralette: Amazon (looks like purple is no longer available). Skirt: Amazon. T-Shirt: Target. Shoes: Payless (old). Leggings (not pictured): Amazon.
I wore the outfit in this last picture for most of the day at work, since a bralette is not typically a work-appropriate shirt. And I would freeze. To help with that last part, I also ended up changing into leggings made of the same material a little after lunch. I originally bought them to wear for my main costume, but decided I would feel more comfortable in a skirt. I never returned them, so I kept ahold of them and they came in handy today. Plus it's fun having mermaid leggings.

Hope you all had a fun Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin, Spice, and Everything Nice

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween
Oh hey, it's been awhile! I've been thinking about blogging again (mostly because I want to post about how obsessed I am with the Konmari method), but I wasn't sure if it'd be a one-off or not. Buuuut I really loved today's outfit, so skipped running in favor of taking outfit photos instead oops. I had to use the self-timer on my phone though, so running back and forth counts, right? Right.

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween

While today wasn't Halloween, we still had a Halloween-inspired theme Friday at work. Unfortunately, I didn't win the prize jar, but I did have the cutest outfit, so I think that probably means I'm still the real winner.

Mostly I'm just obsessed with my skirt. I bought it over a year ago and just wore it for the first time a couple weeks ago. I don't know what took me so long, but I think it's one of my favorite items of clothing at the moment. 

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween
Shirt: Target. Skirt: Purpose Boutique (old). Tights: Target (old). Shoes: Target. Lily's Shirt: Target (old).
I think I just got into a rut where I got really lazy with what I was wearing. I've recently cleaned out my closet and am getting rid of a toooon of clothes (see: aforementioned Konmari method), so hopefully I'll stop being such a slacker. And maybe by the time I'm done with my entire apartment, I'll actually have a clean place to take photos instead of a mostly-clean space in front of my closet door. We can only dream.

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween, dog, dog style, dog clothes, dog fashion

Of course, Lily also had to dress up for Theme Friday. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't dress her in a matching pumpkin shirt? A horrible one. I think taking outfit photos of my dog also puts me into a new level of crazy dog mom, but I'm okay with that.

blogger, fashion blogger, style blogger, personal style, affordable fashion, seattle blogger, halloween
Twinning with my dog.
That's all the Halloween fun for one post. I'll try to remember to post pictures of my Halloween costume too-- I'm going as a very loosely interpreted Ariel this year. I don't think anything will ever beat my Bellatrix from last year, though. I should post that, too. 

In the meantime, do you have any fun Halloween plans? I have a Disney-themed party to go to, but that's it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Final Hurrah

These photos were taken last Friday, but it already feels like so long ago. Washington has very much decided that it's fall now and it's been chilly and overcast since my birthday. Not a fan. But at least I got to wear this shirt first! 

I bought it on clearance the weekend before at Target for $4 something. I actually tried it on closer to the start of the summer, but had already spent a ton of money and never really stopped spending so I decided against spending the $20 or so to buy this at full price. Needless to say, I was psyched to find it on the clearance rack.

I've also recently purchased a large shoe rack for my entry hall, so soon I can get rid off my rows of shoes for something a little bit more organized. I also got an over-the-door organizer for scarves, gloves, and other small miscellaneous things. 

I have a few other plans for (finally) getting organized, so I'm hoping it all works as well in reality as it does in my head. In the mean time, I've just got to work on cleaning and getting rid of all the random stuff (for example, I've recently realized I'm a receipt hoarder).

If it does end up turning out well, I'll be sure to post some pictures!

Top: Target. Jeans: Old Navy. Sandals: Fred Meyer. Ring: Old Navy.
In the meantime, one of my friends from college is coming to visit! I'm so, SO excited! I haven't seen her since we graduated from college over two years ago (side note: I'm feeling so old right now). She's been teaching English for the past two years in South Korea, and finally returned stateside last month, so this been a long time coming.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Just popping in to let you know that today's my birthday! I turned 24 today, and I'm not entirely sure how that happened. Since when am I a real twentysomething, in my mid-twenties??! 

Today the only plans I have are dinner with my family, but yesterday I went whale watching up in the San Juan Islands! That's getting it's own post though, because it really was an amazing experience. In the meantime, you can check out a few of the pictures on Instagram.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Such a Girl

As pretty as I think jewelry is, I've never actually been big on wearing it. I would periodically buy a necklace or two, wear them once or twice, then forget about them. But today I wore both a necklace and a ring, and I felt like such a girl. I also had earrings on but they don't count.

I bought a few rings this weekend on sale, so I was hoping to work them into my outfits. Yesterday I forgot they existed, but I remembered today! This necklace is the perfect example of forgetting though. I bought it in, like, May and this is the first time I'm wearing it.

Overall, I felt really pulled together today. Jewelry aside, my outfit was pretty simple, but it's one of my favorites in awhile. I don't know if it's just because I'm bored of my summer clothes or if it's just because I've been so tired in the mornings, but most days I've been feeling very meh about my outfits. But today was different, and it actually prompted me to take pictures for the first time in a month. 

It's pretty frustrating, but with fall coming, I should have more variety soon. Though it can't come until after my birthday this Sunday or I will be very upset.

I really should work more on actually getting up on time, so I'm not as rushed in the mornings. Lately I've just been hitting snooze again and again and getting out of bed entirely too late. Today I woke up with my workout alarm for once and went on a run this morning. I have it timed so I get back around when my normal alarm is set, which meant I had way more time to get ready today. It was such a nice change!

Cardigan: Target. Top: Old Navy. Jeans: Target. Sandals: Target. Ring: Old Navy. Necklace: Forever 21. 
This outfit is funny though, in that a couple of weeks ago at work we had fun awards, and mine was "Most Likely to Blow Her Entire Paycheck at Target." So, so true. My cardigan, jeans, and sandals are all from Target, and all have been purchased within the last couple weeks. Along with a couple other shirts. And a skirt. And jeans. And pretty much everything else under the sun. Such a dangerous store.

Unrelated, but since construction has ended, I'm attempting to put my apartment back together. Which mostly means alllll the stuff that was previously shoved into my closet is now out in my apartment looking like an explosion of random bags and boxes. My entry hall is pretty much the only clean spot in my entire apartment, which means photos will be taken here until further notice.